Tina Marie Osceola is an enrolled member of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, a federally recognized tribe. Tina spends her professional life as an Executive for her Tribe, but is also the owner and creative mind behind, Beadwork By Tina. Tina, an avid bead collector, is inspired by traditional Seminole jewelry and a personal love of beads. Tina Marie Osceola’s earliest memory of creating with beads was when she was about 3 years old and she was playing with large plastic pony beads. Tina began selling her creations by the age of 5 from her family’s craft booth. Closing in on 60, Tina has shared her love of beads by creating items for all ages.
Tina believes the best part of her business is the time she spends with her family. Tina and her father, OB Osceola, Sr., also started selling antique Singer sewing machines, antique cookware, and tools at their art market booths. OB refurbishes vintage sewing machines because it brings him back to his own childhood, the son of a family who made Seminole arts and crafts. In more recent years, the legacy carried on and Tina’s children and niece have joined the family business. Tina is convinced that she and her dad will have to downsize so her grandchildren can join the family business.